Born in Pangasinan province in 1928 and graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1950. He later earned his master's degree in civil engineeering from the University of Illinois and saw military service in Korea and Vietnam.

His service to the state continued through the Marcos years, during which he headed the Philippine Constabulary (now the Philippine National Police) and served as Vice-Chief of Staff of the armed foces for five years. Ramos was also identified as one of the "Rolex Twelve", the bgroup of close associates of the president. However, he switched sides in the struggle for power in February 1986, aligning himself with Corazon Aquino and thye "People Power" movement against Marcos. He and Juan Ponce Enrile led the resistance to Marcos centred on two military camps.He was rewarded with promotion to Chief of Staff and then, in January 1988, with the post of Defence Minister in Aquinos government. he increased his popularity during these years by helpind to defeat a serie sof coup attempts against Aquino.

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